Our 5 Step Deal Process

Step 1: Introductory Call

Through a 30-minute video chat, we'll get to know each other, discuss your succession goals, and determine whether a mutual fit exists.

Step 2: Provide Financials

We will execute a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) to learn more about your business. We will ask for some financial and operational data. This typically takes between 3 and 4 weeks.

Step 3: Diligence Process

After conducting necessary upfront diligence, we sign a letter of intent (LOI) to more closely review your firm (incl. strategy, financials, operations, and legal). This step typically takes 90 days.

Step 4: Closing Process

After validating the information on the business during due diligence, we will submit a purchase agreement and finalize any outstanding items.

Step 5: Operate

Now the fun begins. We will begin the transition to new ownership, with Kyle planning to lead and grow your business over an extended period.

Comparing K&W Capital with Other Buyer Types

Our strategy tends to be more seller friendly than alternatives (when compared to private equity or strategic buyers)